This article speaks about a book called “Enriques journey“. In which a young man explicitly tells his story of the things he lived while trying to come to America, to find his mother. Despite this, not only he went through this journey, but Nazarrio the author of the book took the journey as well, she re encounters here experience and tells us how these people go through, rape, robbery , deportation and even death, this experience let her psychologically paranoid she quotes “When I returned the first time, I had this nightmare that there were scavengers on top of the train trying to rape me, and I had to go into therapy to be able to get rid of that fear…I felt tense and filthy and a fear of being robbed or raped or beaten a lot of days on this train.” As well how the increase on children illegal immigration has arose form 48, 000 since she started to write her book till now this number has doubled to about 100.000 kids come alone each year. This book will be used in the freshman reading program to create awareness of this global issue and to bring new students together.
My outlook in regards this reading comes into a unique and mind changing perspective, I use to believe, that these people didn’t deserve the right to come to this country and obtain their legal status, if they cross the border illegally, which I believe was fair enough, after reading this short but rich of details article made me believe that the experiences, dangers and even psychological changes that these people encounter , specially kids, should be granted at least a temporary visa until they are stable enough to go back to their country, or until they find a family member. I consider that some of this “Judgmental Americans”, put them selves in these human beings shoes and realize that poverty, lack governmental support, and many other things are the reasons why these people come here, to get a better future, to work, and to provide for their family member.